art attack

Art Attack Blog, Week 5, term 3

You can use any of the following to help you complete your art attack blog


For art attack my goal was to produce a piece of art related to our local landscape using either paint, water colour or pastel.

With Mrs Marsh I learned about foreground, midground and background in landscapes.
With Mr Forman I learned about colour and complementary colours.
With Mr Rule I looked at the different landscape features of Canterbury and Banks Peninsula.

(don’t copy this: Write about some of the following things)
  • What you learned from each teacher’s lesson my teachers colour art
  • What features you included in your art (trees, river, sea, hills, flowers, flax, buildings, jetty, birds, mountains etc)
  • What techniques you used (e.g., water colour - wet-on-wet, wet-on-dry)
  • What you enjoyed
  • What you were proud of
  • What you found easy / difficult

(don’t copy this: Write about some of the following things)
  • I would like to try (water colour, pastel, paint) if I did another landscape because …
  • I would like to get better at …( showing foreground, mid ground and background